Peltier Justice
Non-profit 501(c)(3) EIN: 82-3849441
Providing Services for Prisoners & Veterans

Dedicated To Leonard Peltier

Chauncey (Board President)
Hello, my name is Chauncey Peltier. I am the oldest son of Leonard Peltier. My father is Turtle Mountain Chippewa and my mother is Fort Totten Sioux.
I worked 27 years as a hod carrier and certified rigger. After retiring from Local 296, due to my concern for political prisoners and my father's fight for freedom, I began working as the Director of Peltier Art. I also took on the additional role as co-director of the Indigenous Rights Center.
Leonard has been incarcerated for over 45 years for protecting the land, the elders, women and children. He is 79-years old, diabetic with a stomach aneurysm and still being held in a maximum security prison. His imprisonment has been one of the most controversial Native American arrests in history and it is way past time for Leonard to come home.
I dedicate my time to creating awareness about my father's situation and, understanding the impact this type of trauma has on individuals and families, I also devote time offering programs to local prisoners. Native American practices have proven beneficial for addressing various forms of trauma, including PTSD; therefore, we extended our services to Veterans as well.
Come out and volunteer and support these very important causes.
Chauncey Peltier
Marielle (Board Secretary)
Marielle Battin, a mother of two from Portland, Oregon, now living in Oklahoma, is a community advocate who works on behalf of adolescents. She has recently partnered with schools on native reservations in South Dakota to assist them with the acquisition of much-needed supplies for academics, sports, and hygiene. However, she emphasizes that material goods are only part of the equation. "I am determined to equip the next generation with empowerment, knowledge of tradition and other tools that will make them caring and successful adults," She goes on: "If we mentor well, then each generation will pass these gifts on to their own children." She urges those who want to join in these efforts to contact her with project ideas or to let her know about schools that may need assistance. She is also seeking "sister schools," to help other schools in need.
Ms. Battin was first inspired to work for the community as a teenager, when she witnessed many of her friends facing social injustice. She also began to learn about Leonard Peltier, the native rights activist who is one of the longest-serving political prisoners in the world. His unjust plight prompted her to study native history. In 2015 - during the Obama administration - Ms. Battin met Chauncey Peltier, Leonard's son, and volunteered to help him win a clemency she hopes one day will be forthcoming.